Sunday, June 19, 2011



If you are looking for the best breed of dog to get for kids, then read on! In this article, we look at breeds of all sizes, shapes and from all corners of the world, that all have one thing in common: they're great with kids! So read on, and find the perfect dog to get for your kids today!

There's a reason that labradors are so popular around the world - they're a great family dog! In fact, labbies have the perfect mix of a gentle nature, and energy, that makes them a great companion for children of all ages.
Your labrador will probably have a lifespan in excess of twelve years, which means that he or she will be able to grow up with your kids, and they're also easy to keep in good health (although they are prone to gaining weight, so watch the portions and treats!) All round, if you're looking for a great dog to get for kids, and you don't mind a medium to large breed, this is a great choice.
If you're looking for a smaller breed to get for your kids, then pugs are a perfect choice. They may have a face that some would say only a mother can love, but pugs are living proof of the old saying 'dynamite comes in small packages!'

Pugs are friendly, energetic and tough little dogs, all of which makes them a great choice of dog to have when you're looking for a pet for your kids, and they're also intelligent and easy to train.
Another great choice of a breed of dog for kids, the Beagle is a medium sized, short coated dog that again combines a gentle, friendly nature with energy and an outgoing personality.
Beagles are also easy to train, respond well to training, and will get along well with other dogs and pets in your family too.

Rough Collie
There's a reason Lassie made it into the movies! Rough collies are another great breed to consider if you are looking for a great dog to get for your kids. They're friendly, generally gentle and good natured, intelligent, and when they're younger, energetic too.
The only drawback to getting a rough collie is that their long, silky hair needs a lot more maintenance than their short coated peers, so you will need to make sure you have the time to devote to grooming and keeping your collie in tip top condition.
Jack Russel Terrier

Another great choice of breed, when you're looking for the perfect dog to get for kids, is the Jack Russel Terrier. Another small breed that proves that dynamite comes in small packages, these little terriers have big personalities, and they're usually able to keep up with (and outrun!) even the most adventurous kids.
If you choose a Jack Russel, be warned that they can be a handful, and don't be surprised to be the only family on the block with a dog that routinely climbs trees!
Of course, another great option, if you're looking for a dog for your kids, and to do a little good, is to consider adopting from a shelter. Even a mixed breed dog, or a slightly older dog, can be a great companion to your kids, and if it's not important to you to have a pedigree as long as your arm, many rescue dogs make great companion animals.

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